Monday, August 23, 2010

No home garden this year...

Maybe next year.

We will be getting our fruits & veggies from the Farmers Market & local farmers for canning this year!

It's almost that time! :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Dayyyyyymn.....the girl can cook...

Mmmm....mmmmm..mmmmm......I was impressed with myself today. I can cook, but a lot of times if I try something really "from scratch" or "completely new" I don't do very well with it........BUT NOT TODAY.......Ya buddy......I made (with Lindsay's help of course....she's my little chef ) Ham & Bean Soup and Cream of Chicken with Wild Rice Soup........and wow did they turn out awesome! I've never really looked at myself as a good cook but today I would have to say I did very well. I even had enough left over to freeze. Whether or not I can pull it off again....we'll see .

Hope everyone had a great new years! I'm gonna try to not be so stressed out this year........hahahahahahahahahaha....Ohhhh my goodness I almost hurt myself on that one!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mmmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmm.....

My house smells so good right now.......baked Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, Sugar Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies and a Homemade Apple Pie! Yummy...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall is here...

It's definately fall here now.....temps in the 30's overnight and 50's during the day......we even had a few snow flurries this morning.

Planning on pulling out the vegetable garden tomorrow. It did very very well this year...I just love the square foot gardening concept...this year was one of the best years yet.

We canned 'Apple Pie In A Jar' already with the apples we bought at the local orchard.

Tomatoes are next! Will be making Tomato Juice!

Monday, August 31, 2009


Ooooo it's a bit chilly this morning.......feels good though.....nice change! Of course, tell that to my wardrobe ! Dakota is lovin' it......geee must be the huskey in

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday night fun in the kitchen....

Lindsay decided to have some fun with the camera while we were making creamy cucumbers and taking care of all the rest of the stuff we got out of the garden tonight......

There's more goofy pictures in the album....