Sunday, April 12, 2009

Small signs of new life in the year 2009...

Chives were the first to come to life.

Trying to remember what these even

Iris's are multiplying as they do every year.
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Friday, April 10, 2009

Sooooo Exciting...

I know...little things get me all excited. :)

The ground was finally dry enough to walk on today, so I went around and examined the damage winter had done to all my gardens.

I brushed off a few leaves and pulled a couple weeds.........I also found the first signs of life there under the leaves.

I was very happy to see that Spring has actually sprung around here!

Planning to do some more cleaning up over the weekend...forcast looks good!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Building A Raised Flower/Vegetable Bed...

Ree over at The Pioneer Woman has a wonderful post on exactly how to build a raised flower/vegetable bed. Raised beds are much more fun and much better for drainage. Check it out! Very detailed and looks very easy and inexpensive too! <---That's the way to go now-a-days.

Gardening Coming Soon...

I'm very excited about the garden this year. Planning on doing something totally new with it. It's called Square Foot Gardening! I'm planning to have three boxes, all 4' x 4'.

What is SFG:
Square Foot Gardening is a uniquely simplified method of gardening that produces 100% of the harvest in only 20% of the space -- AND -- without all the hard work and drudgery of single row gardening.

I also plan to grow strawberries this year too....again something new for me! I am going to build two strawberry pyramids that will each be 31 inches in total. Each pyramid will hold approximately 50 plants, so I will have 100 plants in total. Here is a picture of the pyramid I am going to build. Yummy Strawberries! Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm

I can't wait until next month so I can start working on all of this new stuff....soooo exciting!